Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Performance Analysis and Improvement in Sports Development and Assignment - 1

Performance Analysis and Improvement in Sports Development and Coaching - Assignment Example That is where the relatively new performance analysis discipline comes in. Well known over the last decade and made possible by digital photography and advances in IT, (PA) performance analysis is now recognized as an assistance to performance improvement at every level (Jones, Hughes and Kingston, 2009). Essentially, performance analysis is about forming a reliable and a valid performance record by systematic observations’ means that can be examined with regard to facilitating modification. Alike methods are used by the two disciplines in data collection and both depend on IT for data examination. However, the most salient thing they commonly have is measured observation use after or during an event to enumerate performance in a valid, reliable and accurate way (Hylton and Bramham, 2007). Trainers may desire to question Performance Analysis’ need as an isolated activity, given that analysis and observation clearly create a crucial component of the process of coaching as outlined in example 1 below. The actuality is though that even as trainers are likely to be experts at analyzing and observing performance, the study has pointed to harsh human limitations contained by these processes. Two significant studies have drawn attention to problems on memory retention, with trainers able to remember only 30-50 percent of principal performance issues they had observed, even with exceptional observational training (Hughes and Franks, 2004). The process of coaching itself is not flawed necessarily, but it is apparent that the analysis phases and observation of this procedure have severe restrictions. Although several skilled trainers are capable of anticipating events and make suitable changes for performance influences, even the finest are prone to human mistake, leading to incorrect decisions; hence the requirement for an organized PA approach within the practice of coaching, use of valid and dependable performance data to evaluate and monitor performers.  

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Religious Teachings and Rituals of the Faith Essay

The Religious Teachings and Rituals of the Faith - Essay Example in its vast fold. The Mass serves as the gathering of the Christian community at the church on Sunday morning, in memory of Holy Jesus (Baldovin 2003), in order to participate in all the rituals going to take place in church according to the Christian belief system and traditions associated with this sacred gathering, aim to pray to God and demonstrate their loyalty and dedication to the Holy Christ. The Mass contains the beginning hymns (performed with musical instruments), sermon depicting the sacred life and noble teachings of Jesus Christ, recitation and interpretation of some verses from the Gospel, collective prayer in the light of Christian belief, presentation of gifts and prayers to altar, the priest’s lecture at the altar, elucidating the noble cause behind the great and exemplary sacrifice made by Christ for humanity, blessing the bread and wine, according to the commands made by Christ at the eve of his Last Supper, followed by the collective Great Amen and receivi ng of Jesus in Holy Communion, and the final blessings at the end (Chadwick 106). Consequently, the Mass is actually the completion of all the rites associated with Eucharist from gathering to the participation in the final blessings. The question aptly rises in the minds of the Christian community that since they could offer their prayers and can observe meditation and recitation while staying at their homes, then why should they proceed to church and spend time at there as they are to perform almost the same at home, which they are going to carry out by visiting the church. However, at the moment they forget the very reality that the prayer does not mean mere delivering of some words from the mouth or doing some specific acts at a room in the residence; on the contrary, worship stands for a comprehensive and organized activity, to be observed in the company of the fellow people of the same faith in order to join the prayer session collectively, and to comprehend with the real mess age of Jesus Christ that the Christians are responsible for conveying his message to the entire humanity without any discrimination of class, caste, community, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status (Latourette 295). It is, therefore, then every Christian is welcomed at the church without taking his position, appearance, wealth and resources into slightest consideration even. Similarly, selection of Sunday by the saints for communion is actually for celebrating the day of Christ’s resurrection (Baldovin 2-3), on the third of his crucifixion at the hands of the cruel ruler of his era. Another important issue related to the Mass includes the purpose behind it. Since Eucharist stands for Thanksgiving, it is actually the expression of gratitude to Christ for his sacrifice and love, which should be made in the congregation by visiting the church instead of sending the same by staying at home.Â